Technology into Business Organizations

The Business Value of Integrating Accessible Technology into Business Organizations

Businesses today are looking for solutions to empower and retain employees—and accessible technology can help do just that. From Accessible Technology in Today's Business, business leaders buy real twitter followers no bots learn about the benefits of integrating accessible technology into corporate technology plans. Accessible technology helps businesses keep great employees, recruit from a larger pool of candidates, and enhance team collaboration and communication among all employees—including those with disabilities. It's important for businesses buy instant twitter followers to consider the number of people impacted by physical and mental impairments. One study found that 101.4 million working-age adults (ages 18 to 64) in the United States have a mild or severe difficulty/impairment (Source: Study commissioned by Microsoft, conducted by Forrester Research, Inc. 2003). In addition, buy twitter followers reviews large numbers of people experience temporary impairments caused by illness or accident that impact their abilities on the job. The aging of the workforce adds another dimension. Consider that by 2008, 40 percent of the workforce will be comprised of aging computer users who will, buy instagram and twitter followers in growing numbers, experience physical impairments due to the natural aging process. Providing technology that helps valued employees remain productive makes good business sense. Following are highlights of the business value of integrating accessible technology.

Retain the Most Valued Employees

Accessible technology, which accommodates visual, hearing, buy instagram likes mobility, learning, and language impairments, helps organizations retain talented buy likes on instagram employees who develop temporary or permanent disabilities, and those who develop impairments due to the natural aging process. Retaining employees helps eliminate buy 50 instagram likes the high cost of hiring and training replacements, buy instagram followers and likesand improves employee morale. For many businesses, Google Apps for Work and Microsoft Office 365 have buy 100 instagram likes eliminated the need for an in-house email server and even for a desktop email client — although many people still prefer to use a desktop how to buy instagram likes email client. While desktop spreadsheet, document and presentation slide buy instagram likes spread applications are still more feature rich than their cloud counterparts, the latter are continually improving.

Enhance Productivity for All Employees

By providing accessible technology, a business can facilitate buy instagram likes fast collaboration and communication among all employees in an organization—whether they have a disability or not. This results buy 20 instagram likes in greater overall organizational productivity. Accessible technology that is adjustable and meets the needs buy instagram likes fast delivery of a variety of employee needs increases productivity, job satisfaction, and employee morale. The range of definitions of "accessible" varies from person to person, buy instagram likes and followers so when choosing technology, it is critical to consider the diverse needs and preferences of all employees, not just "special cases" flagged by human resources. For some,buy likes instagram accessible technology simply means the ability to easily change font size, buy likes for instagram icon size, colors, sounds, and speed of the mouse cursor on their PCs. For others buy instant instagram likes with more profound impairments, compatible assistive technology products need to be added to computer systems to allow access.

Identify Basic Needs and Requirements:

While some pain points might be apparent, also take the time to interview can you buy likes on instagram company stakeholders and marketing peers about what they need to advance their capabilities – specifically, what has worked and what hasn’t? These don’t need to be exact specs instagram likes buy just yet, but formulate informed ideas that can be validated later. One of the most effective ways to illustrate BVA is to create a marketing technology blueprint. This is a simple how do you buy likes on instagram visual diagram that outlines the current technology, systems, processes and data flow, making it easier to identify the gaps, overlaps and chokepoints. The blueprint buy 50 likes on instagram shows where to improve, bring in new solutions or consolidate existing processes or technology to achieve desired goals. This approach also instagram buy likes provides a baseline to work from with a visual buy instagram likes for all pictures for easy communications with internal stakeholders and marketing tech providers.

Develop Discussion Points

Give the prospective vendors a list of key goals and ideas in advance buy followers and likes on instagram to make this an optimal working session. See who proposes different approaches and can you buy instagram likes ask them to include discussions around “How do they see the market playing out in the next 12-24 months?”, “What are their customers doing to succeed?”, “What makes a good implementation?” and “What makes a ‘tech gone wild’ scenario?” These topics often buy more likes on instagram unveil new insights about the prospective providers, including their culture, how they think and how they work. In the MarTech buy real instagram followers and likes community, these attributes can be just as important as the technology or service they offer.

Scope a Proof of Concept AND a Full Adoption Model

The ultimate BVA test is to put the technology or service to buy automatic instagram likes work in the true environment. This controlled process has several advantages, including: experiencing firsthand how the team responds and uses the technology buy instagram followers and likes package or service; determining how much change in talent or process is really required; identifying power users and champions who will pave the way for the rest of the team; and assessing buy likes and followers on instagram true BVA for the investment and commitment. In addition, sketch out what full adoption will look like as this will help the solution eventually scale. Ask the internal team buy likes on instagram cheap and stakeholders what success should look like in one month, a quarter or at the end of the first year. What are the key results to measure ROI? Capture these buy instagram likes free trial questions from both the organization and the provider to determine buy real likes on instagram BVA. This underscores the need for both parties to be dedicated to the effort and increase odds of success.

Turn Visual Communications Technology into Real Business Value

Organisations around the globe are continuing to seek out new and more cost-effective ways of communicating and collaborating. According to the latest research, many have already started buy 30 instagram likes down the path of investing in visual communications solutions.Despite the recent economic recession, it’s a rapidly growing market. In 2010, revenues for visual communications buy fast instagram likes technologies grew by 18%, reaching USD 2.2 billion worldwide, and some analysts predict it will hit the USD 5 billion mark by 2015. The drivers behind this market growth make perfect businessbuy instagram likes instantly sense. Meeting and collaborating via video should save massively on travel spend and time, even if the initial capital outlay is considerable. Meeting and collaborating via video can also buy small instagram likes increase productivity and efficiency while driving down carbon emissions. But many organisations can lose sight of the human element in all of this. The truth is, videoconferencing equipment has how to buy followers and likes on instagram developed an unfortunate reputation among end users as being complicated to use, temperamental, and often a waste of time and effort owing to the sometimes buy instagram likes cheap and fast inconsistent quality of the connection. It’s simply easier to use the phone, or ‘safer’ – in terms of desired outcome – to travel and meet face-to-face. Whether the buy cheap likes on instagram unreliability and difficulty of using video equipment is true or not is immaterial – the perception of problems persists and, unless that’s changed from within the organisation, employees will buy 100 instagram likes cheap avoid meeting and collaborating via video.

Measure user satisfaction

First and foremost, it’s important to gain a clear picture of what buy likes on instagram free your user’s current perceptions of, and experiences with, videoconferencing are. This may differ from organisation to organisation, and there’s no sense in ‘fixing’ a problem that wasn’t an issue buy instagram followers and likes cheap in the first place. There are two ways of determining this: by asking each user or meeting organiser to complete a questionnairebuy 100 likes on instagram after every videoconference and rate aspects such as quality and consistency of connection, ease of use, and so forth. The challenge here is time constraints: often, employees are rushing off to other meetings or back to their usual work routines, instead of recording buy 1000 instagram likes their impressions and providing proper feedback. A better alternative is to conduct a more thorough survey after a series of videoconferences over a longer period. Later, when you launch a user buy instagram photo likes adoption programme, this will establish a benchmark against which you can measure the progress and success buy instagram picture likes of the initiative. Then do the same survey at best site to buy instagram likes 3-, 6- and 12-month intervals and, after that, perhaps only once a year to ensure the progress you’ve made is maintained.

Optimise the room location

In terms of room-based videoconferencing, organisations need to ensure, first and foremost, that the meeting room is in an optimal location. Fickle as it may seem, the further employees have to walk to where to buy instagram likes a video room, the more likely they are to consider the phone an easier option. If they’re on the same floor, they’re most likely to use the facility; if a floor up or down buy spread instagram likes from the room, they’re less likely to use it; and if the room is in another building altogether, they’re not likely to use it at all. Room location is also a driver for desktop videoconferencing. The further away how to buy instagram followers and likes from the videoconferencing room the employee is, the more likely they are to need or want a desktop solution. It’s also a good idea to place videoconferencing rooms as close as possible to employees who travel most, usually senior executives. Consider that these are buy instagram likes for all photos your most valuable staff members and their time is costly. The potential savings and efficiencies of videoconferencing would therefore have the greatest impact here. But there’s also an element of risk to keep in mind: in addition to the human impact, buy instagram likes 50 an air disaster could have highly disruptive – even potentially devastating – consequences for an organisation, should senior executives come to harm.

Optimise the room layout and equipment set-up

The equipment in the allocated room should be set up in a way that will ensure the whole environment is conducive to high quality videoconferencing. Glass walls or large windows are not buy instagram followers likes optimal owing to the reflection of sound from these surfaces, buy 50 likes instagramplus the movement of employees passing behind the glass which could be distracting in the transmitted visual. All surfaces should also how to buy likes for instagram be non-reflective and of a colour and texture that won’t interfere with the picture. Lighting is key: make sure the equipment is positioned so that there are no strong light from windows or lights behind buy instagram auto likes the subjects, as these participants may appear silhouetted in the transmitted visual. Employees don’t want to spend a lot of time determining whether a room is equipped how can i buy likes on instagram with telepresence infrastructure, particularly if it’s further away from their usual office space. Secondly, they need to have easy and instant visibility of whether the room buy more instagram likes is available at the time they need it and, if not, what the alternatives are. As far as booking is concerned, it’s best to have the booking system integrated with the organisation’s e-mail and calendar client in order how do i buy likes on instagram to provide instant visibility and generate automatic reminders to all participants of upcoming meetings.

Ensure ease of use

Ease of use is probably the most important detractor from user adoption of new equipment: if using the technology is not intuitive, the perception will persist that videoconferencing is complicated. Often, buy automatic likes on instagram ‘technical issues’ that arise during videoconferences are not owing to the equipment being faulty, but to users either not understanding how best to use it, or using it incorrectly. There’s a strong argument buy followers and likes instagram to be made for subscribing to a host or concierge service that can take the practical hassle out of videoconferencing and allow users buy instagram 50 likes to simply arrive, meet and leave, but the majority where to buy likes for instagram of organisations still believe it’s best rather to train employees properly and save costs. On a practical level, cameras can be pre-set to point in the right direction, instagram followers and likes buy or users can select from a menu of options that indicate the various camera options. In a large conference room, there may be three or four possible pre-set camera positions, buy instagram automatic likes depending on how many people are hosted in the meeting. Also ensure that there’s a single controller that manages all the equipment in the room: having a separate remote control for the screen and another for the camera is not ideal. Finally, how can i buy instagram likes set up formal video equipment training sessions with relevant staff as part of the instagram buy followers and likes employee induction process. Practical demonstrations and interactive training without the added pressure of a real meeting will often go a long how do i buy instagram likesway towards removing some of the reticence that unfamiliarity creates.

Communicate with employees

It’s more difficult to change perceptions and behaviour than to instagram likes buy fast adjust room location or equipment set-up – but it’s not impossible. The best way to do best website to buy instagram likes this is through a carefully planned and strategically executed adoption and usage programme. First decide which employees you want to, or need to, target with your communication, meaning those who would benefit most from using videoconferencinghow to buy instagram likes and followers rather than travelling. Then research their current preferences and behaviours in terms of how they meet. The next step is to develop a videoconferencing where can i buy instagram likes communication plan that stipulates how to create awareness of the location and availability of the videoconferencing equipment, the availability of user training, as well as the organisation’s policy concerning video. This could be combined into either a single communication piece, or a series of messages in instagram likes and followers buy an extended campaign. Include a high degree of personalisation, so the employee feels their individual needs and concerns are being addressed. A user adoption strategy could be taken a step further by incentivising employees buy followers and likes for instagram to use video. Collaborate with human resources to include travel reduction targets in key performance indicators, which are buy instagram followers with likes connected to annual bonuses in a structured way. This should, however, be linked very closely to your communication plan, buy 300 instagram likes so employees understand that eliminating face-to-face interaction is not a goal in itself, which may harm effective communication, buy monthly instagram likes but that the incentive is meant to encourage buy twitter followers $5 the use of video as a viable, cost-saving alternative to travelling.

Adjust business processes

Some internal business processes can be adjusted to encourage more buy likes on instagram fast delivery videoconferencing. For example, include a step in the travel buy auto instagram likes approval and booking process by which staff are prompted to respond on whether videoconferencing has been considered buy auto likes on instagram as a viable alternative and to provide a motivation, buy auto likes instagram explaining why travelling is the only option. Some thought can also be given to business processes that, by nature, include a buy instagram likes monthly particularly high degree of collaboration. It may help, for instance, to make it company policy that all processes relating buy likes and followers instagram to product recall must be conducted via videoconferencing. So, if the organisation has a product that’s not performing well, a target team of stakeholders can be compiled and a videoconference room set aside specifically to work through all the contributing factors. It’s important that key leaders in the organisation buy into videoconferencing can i buy instagram likes themselves, and to make their sponsorship visible. Senior executives might choose to communicate their strategic management messages can i buy likes on instagram via videoconferencing to their direct reports around the world, rather than simply using audio or the web. This, in turn, would encourage usage down the line, as it will demonstrate that buy 100 likes instagram the organisation’s leadership believes in the value of visual communications. Secondarily, leaders who use video themselves would better understand buy instagram likes followers the problems that employees face in relation to visual communications, and will help drive improvements more readily twitter buy followers if they’ve experienced the challenges first hand.

Partner with an expert

It’s important, from the outset, to collaborate with the right visual buy real followers on twitter communications technology solutions and services buy followers for twitter provider. If you’ve already invested in video buy 1 million twitter followers equipment, your selected partner should have multivendor expertise in the technologies you’ve procured. This provider should also have a thorough understanding buy 10000 twitter followers of your particular network and telecommunications infrastructure, in order to know if, and how, your environment will support your videoconferencing strategy. Investigate the strength buy twitter account with followers of the provider’s partnership with the equipment vendor – the stronger this relationship is, the more cost benefits and technical expertise buy twitter followers 5 can be passed on to your organisation. Contracting a service provider that’s well positioned and skilled enough to manage your videoconferencing infrastructure and utilisation through a range buy followers on twitter cheap of end-to-end managed services is arguably the most convenient option, where can i buy twitter followers since videoconferencing is a function probably considered ancillary to your core competencies. Whichever buy twitter followers fast strategy you choose to follow, however, videoconferencing equipment that’s well buy twitter followers instantly used translates to dollars returning to your organisation’s pocket.

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