Brief Introduction about Internet

The internet: Everything you ever need to know

A funny thing happened to us on the way to the future. The internet went from being something exotic to being boring utility, like mains electricity or running water – and we never really noticed. So we wound up being totally dependent on a system about which we are terminally incurious. You think I exaggerate about buy 100 instagram likes cheap the dependence? Well, just ask Estonia, one of the most internet-dependent countries on the planet, which in 2007 was more or less shut down for two weeks by a sustained attack buy likes on instagram free on its network infrastructure. Or imagine what it would be like if, one day, you suddenly found yourself unable to book flights, transfer funds from your bank account, check bus timetables, send email,buy instagram followers and likes cheap search Google, call your family using Skype, buy music from Apple or books from Amazon, buy or sell stuff on eBay, watch clips on YouTube or BBC programmes on the iPlayer – or do the 1,001 other things that have become as natural as breathing. The internet has quietly buy 100 likes on instagram infiltrated our lives, and yet we seem to be remarkably unreflective about it. That's not because we're short of information about the network; on the contrary, we're awash with the stuff. It's just that buy 1000 instagram likes we don't know what it all means. We're in the state once described by that great scholar of cyberspace, Manuel Castells, as "informed bewilderment". Mainstream media don't exactly help here, because much – if not most – media coverage buy instagram photo likes of the net is negative. It may be essential for our kids' education, they concede, but it's riddled with online predators, seeking children to "groom" for abuse. Google is supposedly "making buy instagram picture likes us stupid" and shattering our concentration into the bargain. It's also allegedly leading to an epidemic of plagiarism. File sharing is destroying music, online news is killing newspapers, and Amazon is killing bookshops. The network is making a mockery of legal injunctions and the web is full of lies, best site to buy instagram likes distortions and half-truths. Social networking fuels the growth of vindictive "flash mobs" which ambush innocent columnists such as Jan Moir. And so on. All of which might lead a detached observer to ask: if the internet is such a disaster, how come 27% of the world's population (or about 1.8 billion people) use it happily where to buy instagram likes every day, while billions more are desperate to get access to it? So how might we go about getting a more balanced view of the net ? What would you really need to know to understand the internet phenomenon? Having thought about buy spread instagram likes it for a while, my conclusion is that all you need is a smallish number of big ideas, which, taken together, sharply reduce the bewilderment of which Castells writes so eloquently.

Take The Long View

The strange thing about living through a revolution is that how to buy instagram followers and likes it's very difficult to see what's going on. Imagine what it must have been like being a resident of St Petersburg in 1917, in the months before buy twitter followers Lenin and the Bolsheviks finally seized power. It's clear that momentous events are afoot; there are all kinds of conflicting rumours and theories, but nobody knows how things buy twitter followers cheap will pan out. Only with the benefit of hindsight will we get a clear idea of what was going on. But the clarity that hindsight bestows is also misleading, because it buy real twitter followers understates how confusing things appeared to people at the time. So it is with us now. We're living through a radical transformation of our communications buy followers on twitter environment. Since we don't have the benefit of hindsight, we don't really know where it's taking us. And one thing we've learned from the history of communications how to buy twitter followers technology is that people tend to overestimate the short-term impact of new technologies — and to underestimate their long-term implications. We see this all around us at the moment, twitter followers buy as would-be savants, commentators, writers, consultants and visionaries tout their personal interpretations of what the internet means for business, publishing, retailing, buy cheap twitter followers education, politics and the future of civilisation as we know it. Often, these interpretations are compressed into vivid slogans, memes or buy more twitter followers aphorisms: information "wants to be free"; the "long tail" is the future of retailing; "Facebook just seized control of the internet", how to buy followers on twitter and so on. These kinds of slogans are really just short-term extrapolations from yesterday's or today's experience. They tell us little about where the buy twitter followers for $5 revolution we're currently living through is heading.

The Web Isnt The Net

The most common — and still surprisingly buy instagram likes for all photos widespread — misconception is that the internet and the web are the same thing. They're not. A good way to understand this is via a buy 100 twitter followers railway analogy. Think of the internet as the tracks and signalling, the infrastructure on which everything runs. In a railway network, different kinds of traffic buy targeted twitter followers run on the infrastructure — high-speed express trains, slow stopping trains, commuter trains, freight trains and (sometimes) specialist maintenance and repair trains. On the internet, buy twitter followers for 5 web pages are only one of the many kinds of traffic that run on its virtual tracks. Other types of traffic include music files being exchanged via peer-to-peer networking, buy 500 twitter followers or from the iTunes store; movie files travelling via BitTorrent; software updates; email; instant messages; phone conversations buy instagram followers likes via Skype and other VoIP (internet telephony) services; streaming video and audio; and other stuff too arcane to mention. And (here's the important bit) there will undoubtedly be other can you buy twitter followers kinds of traffic, stuff we can't possibly have dreamed of yet, running on the internet in 10 years' time. So the thing to remember is this: the web is huge and very important, but it's just one buy active twitter followers of the many things that run on the internet. The net is much bigger and far more important buy cheap likes on instagram than anything that travels on it. Understand this simple buy instagram likes 50 distinction and you're halfway to wisdom.

Disruption Is a Feture, Not a Bug

One of the things that most baffles (and troubles) people about the net buy 50 likes instagram is its capacity for disruption. One moment you've got a stable, profitable business – say, as the CEO of a music label; the next buy real twitter followers cheap minute your industry is struggling for survival, and you're paying a king's ransom to intellectual property lawyers in a losing struggle to stem the tide. Or you're a newspaper group, best place to buy twitter followers wondering how a solid revenue stream from classified ads could suddenly have vaporised; or a university librarian how to buy likes for instagram wondering why students use only Google nowadays. How can this stuff happen? And how does it happen so fast? The answer lies deep in the network's architecture. When it was being created in the 1970s, buy twitter followers without following Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn, the lead designers, were faced with two difficult tasks: how to design a system that seamlessly links lots of other networks, and how to design a network where to buy twitter followers that is future-proof. The answer they came up with was breathtakingly simple. It was based on two axioms. Firstly, there should be no central ownership or control – no institution which would decide who could join or what the network could be buy followers twitter used for. Secondly, the network should not be optimised for any particular application. This led to the idea of a "simple" network that did only one thing – take in data packetsbuy real active twitter followers at one end and do its best to deliver them to their destinations. The network would be neutral as to the content of those packets – they could be fragments of email, porn videos, phone conversations, images… The network didn't care, and would treat them all equally. By implementing these twin protocols, can you buy followers on twitter Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn created what was essentially a global machine for springing surprises. The implication of their design was that if you had an idea that could be implemented using data packets, then the internet would do it for you, no questions asked. And you didn't have to ask anyone's permission. The explosion best site to buy twitter followers of creativity – in the form of disruptive applications – that the world has seen since the network emerged in the 1980s may have taken a lot of institutions and industries by surprise, buy twitter followers review but it was predictable, given the architecture. There are a lot of smart programmers in the world, and the net provided them with a perfect launch pad for springing surprises. What kinds of surprises? Well, how do you buy twitter followers the web itself. It was largely the creation of a single individual – Tim Berners-Lee, who in 1991 put buy instagram likes cheap and fast the code on an internet server without having to ask anyone's permission.

Think Ecology, Not Economics

As an analytical framework, economics can come unstuck when buy instagram auto likes dealing with the net. Because while economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources, the online world is how do you buy followers on twitter distinguished by abundance. Similarly, ecology (the study of natural systems) specialises in abundance, and it can be useful to look at what's happening in the media through the eyes buy 1000 twitter followers of an ecologist. Since the web went mainstream in 1993, our media "ecosystem", can i buy instagram likes if you like, has become immeasurably more complex. The old, industrialised, can i buy likes on instagram mass-media ecosystem was characterised by declining rates of growth; relatively small buy 200 twitter followers numbers of powerful, profitable, slow-moving publishers and broadcasters; mass audiences consisting mainly of passive consumers of centrally produced content; relatively few communication channels, twitter buy followers and a slow pace of change. The new ecosystem is expanding rapidly: it has millions of publishers; billions of active, web-savvy, highly informed readers, listeners and viewers; innumerable communication channels, and a dizzying buy fake twitter followers rate of change. To an ecologist, this looks like an ecosystem whose biodiversity has how to buy followers and likes on instagram expanded radically. It's as if a world in which large organisms like dinosaurs (think Time Warner, Encyclopaedia Britannica) had trudged slowly across the landscape exchanging information in large, buy twitter accounts with followers discrete units, but life was now morphing into an ecosystem in which billions of smaller species consume, transform, aggregate or break down and exchange information goods in much smaller units – and in which new gigantic should i buy twitter followers life-forms (think Google, Facebook) are emerging. In the natural world, increased biodiversity is closely correlated with higher whole-system productivity – ie the rate at which energy and material inputs buy twitter followers no password are translated into growth. Could it be that this is also happening in buy small instagram likes the information sphere? And if it is, who will benefit in the long term?

Complexity Is The New Reality

Even if you don't accept the ecological metaphor, buy twitter followers for cheap there's no doubt that our emerging information environment is more complex – in terms of numbers of participants, the density of interactions between them, buy permanent twitter followers and the pace of change – than anything that has gone before. This complexity is not an aberration or something to be wished away: it's the new reality, and one that we have buy real followers on twitter to address. This is a challenge, for several reasons. First, the behaviour of complex systems is often difficult to understand and even harder to predict. Second, and more importantly, our collective mindsets buy followers for twitter in industry and government are not well adapted for dealing with complexity. Traditionally, organisations have tried to deal with the problem by reducing complexity – acquiring competitors, locking in customers, buy 1 million twitter followers producing standardised products and services, etc. These strategies are unlikely to work in our emerging environment, where intelligence, agility, responsiveness and a willingness to experiment (and fail) provide better buy 10000 twitter followers strategies for dealing with what the networked environment how can i buy likes on instagram will throw at you.

The Network Is Now The Computer

For baby-boomers, a computer was a standalone PC running Microsoft software. Eventually, buy twitter account with followers these devices were networked, first locally (via office networks) and buy likes and followers instagram then globally (via the internet). But as broadband connections to the net became commonplace, something strange buy twitter followers 5 happened: if you had a fast enough connection to the network, you became less concerned about the precise location of either your stored data or the processor that was performing computational buy followers on twitter cheap tasks for you. And these tasks became easier to do. First, the companies (Yahoo, Google, Microsoft) who provided search also began to offer "webmail" – email provided via programs that ran not on your PC but on servers in the internet "cloud". Then Google offered word-processing, spreadsheets, where can i buy twitter followers slide-making and other "office"-type services over the network. And so on.

The Web Is Changing

Once upon a time, the web was merely a publication medium, buy more instagram likes in which publishers (professional or amateur) uploaded passive web pages to servers. For many people in the media business, buy twitter followers fast that's still their mental model of the web. But in fact, buy auto likes instagram the web has gone through at least three phases of evolution – from the original web 1.0, to the web 2.0 of "small pieces, buy twitter followers instantly loosely joined" (social networking, mashups, webmail, and so on) and is now heading towards some kind of web 3.0 – a global platform based on Tim Berners-Lee's idea of the 'semantic web' in which web pages will buy twitter followers $5 contain enough metadata about their content to enable software to make informed judgements about their relevance and function. If we are to understand the web as it is, rather than as it once was, buy real twitter followers no bots we need more realistic mental models of it. Above all, buy instagram likes instantly we need to remember that it's no longer just a publication medium.

Huxlexy And Orwell Are Bookends Of Our Future

Many years ago, the cultural critic Neil Postman, buy automatic likes on instagram one of the 20th century's most perceptive critics of technology, buy instagram likes monthly predicted that the insights of two writers would, like a pair of bookends, buy instant twitter followers bracket our future. Aldous Huxley believed that we would be destroyed by the things we love, buy 30 instagram likes while George Orwell thought we would be destroyed by the things we fear. Postman was writing before the internet became such a force in our societies, buy fast instagram likes but I believe he got it right. On the one (Huxleyan) hand, the net has been a profoundly liberating influence in our lives – creating endless opportunities for information, entertainment, pleasure, buy twitter followers reviews delight, communication, and apparently effortless consumption, to the point where it has acquired quasi-addictive power, especially over younger generations. One can calibrate the extent buy instagram and twitter followers of the impact by the growing levels of concern among teachers, governments and politicians. "Is Google making us stupid?" was the title of one of the most cited articles in Atlantic magazine in 2008. It was written by buy instagram likes Nicholas Carr, a prominent blogger and author, and raised the question of whether permanent access to networked information (not just Google) is turning us into restless, shallow thinkers with shorter buy likes on instagram attention spans. (According to Nielsen, a market research firm, buy real likes on instagram the average time spent viewing a web page is 56 seconds.) Other critics are worried how do i buy likes on instagram that incessant internet use is actually rewiring our brains.

Our Intellectual Property Regime Is No Longer Fit For Purpose

In the analogue world, copying was difficult and degenerative (ie copies of copies became buy followers and likes instagram progressively worse than the original). In the digital world, copying is effortless and perfect. In fact, buy 50 instagram likes copying is to computers as breathing is to living organisms, inasmuch as all computational operations involve it. When you view a web page, for example, buy instagram 50 likes a copy of the page is loaded into the video memory of your computer (or phone, or iPad) before the device can display it on the screen. So you can't even look buy instagram followers and likes at something on the web without (unknowingly) making a copy of it. Since our current intellectual property instagram followers and likes buyregime was conceived in an era when copying was difficult and imperfect, buy 100 instagram likes it's not surprising that it seems increasingly out of sync with the networked world. To make matters worse (or better, depending on your point of view), digital how to buy instagram likes technology has provided internet users with software tools which make it trivially easy to copy, edit, remix and publish anything that is available in digital form – which means nearly everything, nowadays. As a result, buy instagram likes spread millions of people have become "publishers" in the sense that their creations are globally published on platforms buy instagram likes fast such as Blogger, Flickr and YouTube. So everywhere one looks, where to buy likes for instagram one finds things that infringe copyright in one way or another.

How To Start An Internet Business

I’ve been studying resources lately designed to teach Internet business, buy 20 instagram likes but not just introductory materials, content that goes beyond beginners and is intended to take you to making making millions online. In my case I’m interested in advanced topics buy instagram likes fast delivery that I can apply to what I do and fill my current knowledge gaps to take the next step forwards. While hunting for those elusive gold nugget ideas I invariably scan the buy instagram likes and followers introductory materials and learn with interest how this particular person or organization cover the basics – how they suggest you get traffic and make sales. My studies have buy likes instagram led me to the conclusion that Internet business is actually quite easy. Explained in simple terms (which I will do in a moment), the structure of a successful online enterprise is comprised of a few components, buy likes for instagram that when linked together can deliver hundreds, thousands and even millions of dollars in online profits.

All online business models rely on traffic

All online business models rely on traffic of some shape or form, buy instagram likes free trial and it’s here where I’m always curious to find what others do to drive attention to their business, as I’m sure you are too. In almost buy instant instagram likes all cases a combination of one, two or all three of the following techniques are the main buy likes on instagram cheap traffic drivers that fuel the business. Pay Per Click: Buying traffic buy instagram automatic likes from Google’s AdWords is recommended as the quickest, but least forgiving traffic tool. Get this right and you get thousands of visitors instantly can you buy likes on instagram at a cost lower than the income they return. Get this wrong and you lose money. It’s a harsh learning curve, buy likes and followers on instagram but for the winners the pay-off is significant.

Make A Sale

Once traffic is flowing, the next condition required instagram likes buy for a profitable business is to make that first sale. A targeted front end offer is the usual suggestion, in most cases a sub-$50 priced information product, although a physical product how do you buy likes on instagram can work too (many late night TV infomercials use a loss-making front end offer of a physical product buy instagram followers and likes package that is used to identify and open communication with customers). The purpose of the front end buy auto likes on instagram product is to generate a customer. Profit does not come from sales of the front end product in most cases (it’s hard to get rich off a $27 ebook), buy 50 likes on instagram rather it is raising the per customer value that results in the big gains (more on this at step 3). The front end product is important because it opens the door to instagram buy likes a potentially long term relationship, how can i buy instagram likes which when done right, will result in benefits for the company and the customer.

Sell More With A Bigger Margin

The core concept of step 3 is that it is always easier to buy instagram likes for all pictures convince someone who is the process of buying or who has bought previously, to purchase more. The front end offer at step 2 creates the buy followers and likes on instagram buying condition and then at step 3, upsells, downsells and cross-sells of digital items, continuity products, coaching, consulting, physical products, can you buy instagram likes seminars, conferences and anything you can come up with that is relevant and valuable to your customers, is where the profit comes from. While not every customerbuy more likes on instagram will take advantage of back-end offers you make, the strategy relies only on small segments buy real instagram followers and likes of your customers buying your upsells and back-end offers. The margins at this point however are significant, buy automatic instagram likes so one back-end sale can result in as much profit as 10, instagram buy followers and likes 100 or even 1,000 front end orders.

Do You Know Your Customer Value?

Rich Schefren hammers home the concept of Customer how do i buy instagram likes Value in his Business Growth System. He really needed to get this principle right because instagram likes buy fast long before he was an Internet business guru, he had physical real best website to buy instagram likesworld businesses (an hypnosis company and a boutique fashion store in Manhattan, New York). When you run real how to buy instagram likes and followers world stores your costs are so high that you have to get your numbers right. If you don’t, you lose money – lots of it. In where can i buy instagram likes the Internet world things are more forgiving because sunk costs are so much lower, instagram likes and followers buy however that doesn’t mean customer value is any less important. Internet buy followers and likes for instagram business owners don’t suffer the consequences of notbuy instagram followers with likes focusing on the key customer metric, instead we can flounder around, buy 300 instagram likes test and fail and walk away perhaps bitter and frustrated, but it doesn’t cost us much more buy monthly instagram likes than our time. If you were investing ten or twenty or even hundreds buy likes on instagram fast delivery of thousands into your business, buy auto instagram likes you would know your numbers from the start.

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